Hey, folks! Paul here—yeah, that Paul who’s been married for five+ years and somehow managed to keep it all together while raising two kids, pushing through law school and active duty service in the US Navy (two deployments, hooyah!).
In present day United States, staying married is a miracle. Finding someone you love and want to do life with is even harder in our current climate.
I realize that relationships are a lot like navigating the ocean: sometimes smooth sailing, and sometimes, well… you’re hanging on for dear life. But like life on an aircraft carrier, you just need the right skills to get through the days. This is why I write, to share the skills you need to succeed in your relationships.
I’m not claiming to have all the answers, but I have picked up a few skills along the way that has helped me and I think could help anyone trying to make their relationships work—whether it’s dating or marriage.
My goal? To share what I’ve learned being happily married to my wife, honestly, with a few stories from my experience that will help you in your relationship.
I hope you enjoy my blog posts, If you do (or don’t, I don’t mind :)), reach out to me, let’s figure out relationships together, one story and possibly one laugh at a time.
Hit me up whenever:
• Email: paul@paawhl.com
• Twitter/X: @paawhl
• Instagram: @paawhl
• Facebook: Paawhl
Looking forward to hearing from you.
If you are still reading, stop. Go find me on X. Ask me a question.